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How to wrap all Grails service methods with a Groovy closure?

Grails 2.4.x here.

I have a requirement that all the methods of all my Grails services, generated by grails create-service <xyz>, be "wrapped"/intercepted with the following logic:

try {
} catch(MyAppException maExc) {


  • log.error(...) is the SLF4J-provided logger you get when you annotate your class with the @Slf4j annotation; and
  • ExceptionUtils is the one from org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4; and
  • myAppExceptionHandler is of type com.example.myapp.MyAppExceptionHandler; and
  • This behavior exists (or has the option to exist in the event that it needs to be explicitly called somehow) for each method defined in a Grails service

So obviously this wrapper code needs to include import statements for those classes as well.

So for example if I have a WidgetService that looks like this:

class WidgetService {
    WidgetDataService widgetDataService = new WidgetDataService()

    Widget getWidgetById(Long widgetId) {
        List<Widget> widgets = widgetDataService.getAllWidgets()
        widgets.each {
            if( {
                return it

        return null

Then after this Groovy/Grails/closure magic occurs I need the code to behave as if I had written it like:

import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils
import com.example.myapp.MyAppExceptionHandler

class WidgetService {
    WidgetDataService widgetDataService = new WidgetDataService()

    MyAppExceptionHandler myAppExceptionHandler = new MyAppExceptionHandler()

    Widget getWidgetById(Long widgetId) {
        try {
            List<Widget> widgets = widgetDataService.getAllWidgets()
            widgets.each {
                if( {
                    return it

            return null
        } catch(MyAppException maExc) {

Any ideas as to how I might be able to achieve this? I'm worried that a pure Groovy closure might interfere somehow with whatever Grails is doing to its services under the hood at runtime (since they are all classes that don't explicitly extend a parent class).


  • Here is what I was trying to pin point in my comment:

    package com.example
    import groovy.util.logging.Log4j
    trait SomeTrait {
        def withErrorHandler(Closure clos) {
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
                log.error e.message
                throw new ApplicationSpecificException(
                    "Application Specific Message: ${e.message}"

    Service class:

    package com.example
    class SampleService implements SomeTrait {
        def throwingException() {
            withErrorHandler {
                throw new Exception("I am an exception")
        def notThrowingException() {
            withErrorHandler {
                println "foo bar"


    package com.example
    import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
    import spock.lang.Specification
    class SampleServiceSpec extends Specification {
        void "test something"() {
            ApplicationSpecificException e = thrown(ApplicationSpecificException)
            e.message == "Application Specific Message: I am an exception"
        void "test something again"() {

    Here is the sample app.

    Grails 3.0.9 but it should not matter. this is applicable for Grails 2.4.*