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OpenCV 3.0 xfeatures2d not found

I am using MAC Yosemite. I installed the OpenCV 3.0 with extra modules as follows:

"opencv_contrib" in build directory accessed build directory from terminal: cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH= opencv_contrib/modules/ /Users/junaidyounas/documents/opencv-3.0.0 make install

and also with sudo make install But still I am not able to find "xfeatures2d.hpp" which means the extra module is not installed properly.

I followed the official installation process, that notifies successfully installed with 1 error.


I noticed that the code broke here:

[ 91%] Built target opencv_test_java /Users/junaidyounas/documents/opencv-3.0.0/build/opencv_contrib/modules/ximgproc‌​/src/sparse_match_interpolators.cpp:171:52: error: no member named 'isVector' in 'cv::_InputArray'


  • I did it by making following changes:

    1. The problem I experienced was in opencv_contrib/module/ximgproc, I deleted the module
    2. Editing the command:*cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=opencv_contrib/modules/ ./
    3. It worked for me but without ximgproc