I have the following classes:
namespace Message;
struct BBox {
table msg {
boxes: [BBox];
root_type Message;
To create the object I do something such as
b = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
msg.msgAddKey(b, b.CreateString(key))
v = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
size = len(boxes)
msg.msgBoxesVector(v, size)
for elem in boxes:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = elem
BBox.CreateBBox(v, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
boxes = v.EndVector(size)
msg.msgAddBoxes(b, boxes)
obj = msg.msgEnd(b)
and no error is thrown
However when I try to display the results, the key is good but the size of the vector and the content is wrong
rep = msg.msg.GetRootAsmsg(bytearray(b.Output()), 0)
print rep.BoxesLength() # give me 4 instead of 1
for i in range(rep.BoxesLength()):
print rep.Boxes(i).Xmin(), rep.Boxes(i).Ymin()
print rep.Boxes(i).Xmax(), rep.Boxes(i).Ymax()
We have an open issue about the Python port not doing enough error checking: https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/issues/299
The creation of the string and the vector should happen before msgStart
. also, you should use just one Builder object (use just b
, not v
), since the above code refers from one buffer to another, which won't work.
EDIT: the Python implementation now correctly signals an error when you try to nest vector/string/table generation. It still can't detect cross-buffer offsets however.