I want to remove the highest value price document
"name" : "Ryan",
"price" : 6.5
"_id" : 5,
"name" : "Big Book",
"authors" : [
"name" : "Ryan",
"price" : 5.5
"name" : "Ryan",
"price" : 6.5
using c# driver
I have the removable document in c# front end in a collection.
But my following update statement is not removing the document.
var filter = new BsonDocument("_id", x._id);
var docToRemove = new BsonDocument("name", x.name);docToRemove.Add("price", x.price);
var update = Builders<Book>.Update.Pull("books.authors", docToRemove);
var result = await col.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(filter, update);
Do you have required value in x.price
I didn't test it for exactly your case, but try this:
var update = Builders<Book>.Update.PullFilter(p => p.authors,
f => f.price == x.price);
var result = await collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(p => p._id == 5, update);