We are using PInvoke to interop between C# and C++.
I have an interop struct as follows, with an identical layout C++ struct on the other side.
public struct MeshDataStruct : IDisposable
public MeshDataStruct(double[] vertices, int[] triangles , int[] surfaces)
_vertex_count = vertices.Length / 3;
_vertices = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(_vertex_count*3*sizeof (double));
Marshal.Copy(vertices, 0, _vertices, _vertex_count);
// .. extract data methods to double[] etc.
private IntPtr _vertices;
private int _vertex_count;
public void Dispose()
if (_vertices != IntPtr.Zero)
_vertices = IntPtr.Zero;
Now I would like to add a second ctor
public MeshDataStruct(bool filled_in_by_native_codee)
_vertex_count = 0;
_vertices = IntPtr.Zero;
and then write a method in C++ that allows C++ to fill in the data. This would allow us to use the same structure for input as well as output data...
However, as far as I understand it, AllocHGlobal
is available in C# and C++/Cli, but not pure C++.
So my question is: How can I allocate memory in C++ such that I can safely free it on the C# side with a call to Marshal.FreeHGlobal(...)
This traditionally always ended up poorly, the Microsoft CRT created its own heap with HeapCreate() to service malloc/new calls in a C or C++ program. Can't deallocate such memory in C#, you don't have the heap handle.
That has changed however, starting with the CRT included with VS2012 (msvcr120.dll and up). It now uses the default process heap, the one returned by GetProcessHeap(). Also the one used by Marshal.Alloc/FreeHGlobal(). So you now have a shot at it, provided the native code doesn't use the debug allocator (crtdbg.h). Be careful throwing away that debug option.
The pinvoke marshaller was not changed, nor can it. If it has to release memory, like an array or string returned as a function return value, then it will call CoTaskMemFree(). It is not clear from your question which could apply. In case of doubt and if you have the choice in your native code then you can't go wrong with CoTaskMemAlloc(), paired to Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem() in your C# code.