When I run get-user|get-member
in powershell with the exchange add-in I noticed there is no description property.
Does anyone know if it has been renamed to something else or another way of accessing it?
If you aren't looking to change the description this should work:
[PS] C:\>$ANR = "testuser@example.com"
[PS] C:\>$foo = [adsi]("LDAP://" + (get-user $ANR).DistinguishedName)
[PS] C:\>$foo.description
My Description
If you are wanting to edit, you will need to get further into System.DirectoryServices & look at how to write objects back to AD. It would likely be simpler to use quest of another package that does some wrapping. If you want to roll your own there are gobs of blogs on AD programming in Powershell.