How can you get information about which variables are design vars, objectives or constraints from the information saved by recorders? It would be useful to print this information to a file to track optimization progress during a run. It looks like the RecordingManager.record_iteration
doesn't really allow for this at the moment, since you only pass the root
system and a metadata dict meant for optimizer settings.
Would it be possible to add an argument to the RecordingManager.record_iteration
called e.g. optproblem
, which is a dictionary with dictionaries with desvars, constraints and objective?
A simple OptimizationRecorder could then dump out column formatted files with the quantities for easy plotting during the optimisation.
This is something we have on our list of to-do's for the near future. Our current planned approach is going to be to augment the meta-data (already being saved) of variables with labels identifying them as des-vars, objectives, and constraints. Then you could pull that information out as part of a custom case recorder if you want. We plan on doing it this way because it doesn't require modifying the recorder's api at all. I think we'll have something like this implemented in the next month or so.