I am making a C++ addon for Node. And I would like to run uv_queue_work multiple times without having to sleep the main thread. Any idea of how to do this?
So far I've done this:
void main(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
//here goes my main code
//Here I schedule the worker, to run BEFOREmethod in a new thread, and AFTERmethod in the main thread
uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), req, BEFOREmethod,(uv_after_work_cb) AFTERmethod);
return callback;
void BEFOREmethod(uv_work_t* req){
//here goes the code that runs in new thread
void AFTERmethod(uv_work_t* req, int status){
//here goes the code that runs in main thread
//Then we schedule the uv_queue_work again
uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), req, BEFOREmethod,(uv_after_work_cb) AFTERmethod);
So this works, I can re-schedule the uv_queue_work, but there is a memory leak, if I keep this running, memory usage keeps increasing. But I haven't found another way of doing this. So I would appreciate any help if anybody has an idea.
I found the solution! Apparently the worker releases memory by itself after the job is done, so I can keep doing it this way. The memory leak was my code's fault, since I was allocating memory and not releasing it somewhere else (totally hidden I didn't see it), but now it's solved.