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How to check for incoming new messages using Gmail API

I have set up a python script that can pull data from Gmail account, but I would like to set it up in a way that it would only pull new message since the last time I made the API call (I will be pinging the server regularly).

I have looked at Push notification and Pub/Sub, but I am not quite sure if these are relevant or I should be looking at something else. Gmail also has Users.history: list function, but I am wondering if this can be used in any useful way.


  • You could list messages as you usually do, but saying that you want messages after a certain timestamp. This way, you can poll for new messages e.g. every minute, giving the last time you checked for messages in seconds since the epoch:


    q = is:unread AND after:<time_since_epoch_in_seconds>


     "messages": [
       "id": "150c7d689ef7cdf7",
       "threadId": "150c7d689ef7cdf7"
     "resultSizeEstimate": 1

    Then you just save the timestamp when you issued the request, and use this timestamp one minute later.