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Reading characters from command prompt and using them for path-name in 8086 assembly

my program has purpose: read symbols from command line and use them as full path-name going to another directory. This program works if instead of inputting symbols from command line i define buffer as P:\test\, so the problem is in the reading characters. However, i tried to print out my buffer by using: ah 02h int 21h (single character output) and it outputted it correctly.

.model small
.stack 100h

    dir db 255 dup (0)
    mov dx, @data
    mov ds, dx
    xor cx, cx
    mov cl, es:[80h]
    mov si, 0082h ;reading from command prompt 0082h because first one is space
    xor bx, bx

    mov al, es:[si+bx]          ;filling buffer
    mov ds:[dir+bx], al
    inc bx
    loop l1

    mov dx, offset dir           ;going to directory
    mov ah, 3Bh
    int 21h

    mov ah, 4ch
    mov al, 0
    int 21h

end start


  • At the end of the command line resides always a 0Dh. So the value in es:[80h] (count of the characters in the command line) is one too big. Also, the end of the path must be nullified for Int 21h/AH=3Bh ("ASCIZ" means: ASCII characters plus zero).

    This one should work:

    .model small
    .stack 1000h                    ; Don't skimp on stack.
        dir db 255 dup (0)
        mov dx, @data
        mov ds, dx
        xor cx, cx
        mov cl, es:[80h]
        dec cl                      ; Without the last character (0Dh)
        mov si, 0082h               ; reading from command prompt 0082h because first one is space
        xor bx, bx
        mov al, es:[si+bx]          ; filling buffer
        mov ds:[dir+bx], al
        inc bx
        loop l1
        mov byte ptr [dir+bx], 0    ; Terminator
        mov dx, offset dir          ; going to directory
        mov ah, 3Bh
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h               ; Exit with 0
        int 21h
    end start

    Do you consider, that you cannot change the drive letter with Int 21h/AH=3Bh?