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Generate Google map link with nearby restaurants

Is there a way to generate a google map link which takes in lat , long values and shows me the place along with the nearby restaurants. Using the places API i get the required response but i get that in JSON format i require a link where you click and it opens up the google maps and shows your respective location and all the nearby restaurants.

If you use this link,long it would show me the location corresponding to the lat,long along with that can i also pass in some parameter to locate the nearby restaurants as well something like,lng&nearBy=restaurant


  • If it can be of help to anyone who is facing a similar problem as i was. Found out a way to generate a google link which points to the google maps with nearby restaurants(any field you want to search for can be replaced with the restaurant string),your_longitude,17z

    You can replace the /restaurant/ with /bank/ and get the nearby banks to the latitude,longitude specified in the link,your_longitude,17z

    17 is the zoom level you can change that as per your requirement.