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Populating a BackboneJS model with response from an API endpoint

I'm new to BackboneJS but I'm doing my best to learn it. I'm more familiar with AngularJS so I have some confusion in BackboneJS but would definitely want to become an expert BackboneJS developer too.

Back at my previous job, I was the frontend dev and I would work with the Java dev guy. We would have a meeting about how the JSON response would look like. Basically, I'll make a REST call(either with Restangular or $http) to one of their endpoints and I'll get a response. The JSON response will be assigned to a scope variable such as $scope.bookCollection. In my template, I'll just use ng-repeat to display it.

Now with BackboneJS, I'd like to do it properly. I read today that a BackboneJS Model is a container. What I'd like to happen is that after making a fetch(), I want the JSON response to be put in the Model that I defined. How is that done?

I found an example jsfiddle but I think it's a very bad example. I can't find something that is helpful right now, something with a good fetched data.

    paths: {
        jquery: '',
        underscore: '',
        backbone: ''
    shim: {
        backbone: {
            deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
            exports: "Backbone"

        underscore: {
            exports: "_"
    'backbone'], function ($, _, Backbone) {
    var UserModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
        urlRoot: '/echo/json/',
        defaults: {
            name: '',
            email: ''
    var userDetails = {
        name: 'Nelio',
        email: '[email protected]'
    var user = new UserModel(userDetails);

        success: function (user) {

Here is the jsfiddle:


  • I want the JSON response to be put in the Model that I defined. How is that done?

    If you are trying to render the data from you model, you will use a view for this:

    First, create a view to render your data:

    // Create a new view class which will render you model
    var BookView = Backbone.View.extend({
        // Use underscores templating
        template: _.template('<strong><%= title %></strong> - <%= author %>'),
        initialize: function() {
            // Render the view on initialization
            // Update the view when the model is changed
            this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
        render: function() {
            // Render your model data using your template
            return this;

    See also: template and toJSON as well as $el

    Next, create a Model:

    // Create a model class
    var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({
        urlRoot: '/echo/json/',
        defaults: {
            title : '',
            author: ''

    Your model will hold the data fetched from the url / urlRoot

    You can use set if you are trying to add new attributes to your model.

    You can use get to grab attributes from your model.

    See also - save and destroy.

    Then, instantiate your model:

    // Some dummy data
    var instance = {
        title: 'learn Backbone JS',
        author: 'Bobby Longsocks',
    // Instansite your model
    var model = new Book(instance);

    And finally, fetch your model data and create a new instance of you view:

    // Fetch your model
        success: function(book) {
            // Instansite your view, passing in your model
            var view = new BookView({model: book, el: $('body')});

    Here is an Example you can fiddle with.

    And some further reading: Annotated Source