Search code examples

Delphi TComboBox with fulltext search and bitmap (owner draw)

I use this code: How to make a combo box with fulltext search autocomplete support? to create custom TComboBox control with searching.

Everything was working fine but I decided to add bitmaps (pictures) into it using this method: ComboBox Simple with Bitmap

But when I added the second code I lost the searching functionality. To enable Owner drawing I added csOwnerDrawFixed style to control in constructor

constructor TComboBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  Style := csOwnerDrawFixed; ; << Added to enable owner draw

How can I combine these two codes? The strange thing is when I run the project I can see the control redrawing correctly first time but then all data are lost and no drawing is done.


  • @Rohit Gupta: Actually it is pretty easy to merge that 2 codes: simply place 2nd code into 1st one and rename class :)

    I did this but the code is not working - painting the control causes freezing of software and I could not solve this issue that is why I asked for help.

    @Warren P: you are right, the better is to create custom control which handles everything.

    I created my own control which is basically TEdit with owner draw and TListBox with owner draw and TSpeedButton which works fine:

    Custom control with drawing

    I need to do some tweaking now and finished control will be available on my blog.

    If someone is interested then grab it later on (I will post comment here once finished).

    Thanks to all for ideas!