First off, I am REALLY new at coding, only CMD 10 years ago and ruby for 5 days now. So I am making my very first script and the only goal for it is for me to test and learn DEF and TRUE/FALSE choices
Like like this:
def cls
system "clear" or "cls"
def s2
sleep 2
My question:
I want my script to check if a particular GEM is installed, so i made the code. but i cant figure out how to make the script REQUIRE the particular Gem IF installed. or make the script INSTALL a Gem IF not installed OR at least say "sorry no GEM, EXIT" and then end script.
def checkGemColorize(gemName, versionLimit=nil)
isAvailable = false
if versionLimit == nil
gem gemName
puts "Yes the GEM is installed"
#the script should put in require 'colorize' if installed
gem gemName, versionLimit
puts "Yes the GEM is installed with correct version number"
#also if version number is used.
isAvailable = true
rescue LoadError
sleep 0.5
#testing IF TRUE on colorize
puts "checking for colorize GEM"
sleep 0.5
puts checkGemColorize('colorize')
sleep 1
#testing IF TRUE version number
puts "checking for colorize version number"
sleep 0.5
puts checkGemColorize('colorize', '>=0.6')
sleep 1
#testing IF FALSE version number is shown when input is higher
puts "checking false version number"
sleep 0.5
puts checkGemColorize('colorize', '>=1.2')
sleep 1
#testing IF FALSE parameter
puts "a fake gem for testing FALSE"
sleep 0.5
puts checkGemColorize('not_colorize')
sleep 1
puts "testing"
sleep 1
puts "test".red
This is the working code thanks to K M Rakibul Islam
def checkGemColorize(gemName, versionLimit=nil)
isAvailable = false
if versionLimit == nil
gem_present = gem gemName # this will return true if the gem is present
if gem_present
puts "Yes the GEM is installed"
require gemName # here you are requiring the gem
puts "#{gemName} GEM is required just now"
gem gemName, versionLimit
puts "Yes the GEM is installed with correct version number"
#also if version number is used.
isAvailable = true
rescue LoadError
# I added this block of code to install the gem when it's missing
puts "#{gemName} is missing, Installing now...."
`gem install #{gemName}` # installing the missing gem
puts "installed the #{gemName} gem just now!"
isAvailable = true
You can require the gem if it's present and also install the gem if it's not already installed the following way (Look for the comments in the code):
def checkGemColorize(gemName, versionLimit=nil)
isAvailable = false
if versionLimit == nil
gem_present = gem gemName # this will return true if the gem is present
if gem_present
puts "Yes the GEM is installed"
require gemName # here you are requiring the gem
puts "#{gemName} GEM is required just now"
gem gemName, versionLimit
puts "Yes the GEM is installed with correct version number"
#also if version number is used.
isAvailable = true
rescue LoadError
# I added this block of code to install the gem when it's missing
puts "#{gemName} is missing, Installing now...."
`gem install #{gemName}` # installing the missing gem
puts "installed the #{gemName} gem just now!"
isAvailable = true
#testing IF TRUE on colorize
puts "checking for colorize GEM"
puts checkGemColorize('colorize')