I am using a NotifyIcon from Win Forms to make a systray icon for my WPF C# application.
I have a bug where if the user right clicks the icon for the context menu, they can press Alt-F4 and the icon will disappear from the tray, but the Main WPF application is still running. This is especially a problem when they have "minimized to systray" and the only control of the application is now gone.
Anyone know how to handle this specificially on the systray? I've looked at the NotifyIcon documentation and there isn't anything relating to keypress events.
UPDATE: here's a sample application to show how I'm using the systray and the actual bug. http://cid-e75a75f1a1fbfbb5.office.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/WpfApplication1.zip?sa=221089565
So this is a bug and I've reported it to Microsoft Connect. Check here for updates I suppose: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/568590/unable-to-disable-alt-f4-on-winforms-notifyicon-when-context-menu-is-open?wa=wsignin1.0