I'm fiddling with my repository class and attempted to execute a query with a detached criteria. However, it doesn't seem to like me setting the result transformer to a non AR-type.
public class IncidentRepository
public static IList<AuditReport> GetAllIncidentsToAudit()
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.For<Incident>("i")
.Add(Projections.Property("i.Id"), "IncidentId")
.Add(Projections.Property("l.Id"), "LocationId")
.CreateCriteria("Locations", "l")
.Add(Expression.Eq("l.PrimaryLocationFlag", "T"))
return ActiveRecordMediator<AuditReport>.FindAll(dc);
public class AuditReport
public int IncidentId { get; set; }
public int LocationId { get; set; }
The error I get when executing this query is:
You have accessed an ActiveRecord class that wasn't properly initialized. There are two possible explanations: that the call to ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize() didn't include castle.AuditReport class, or that castle.AuditReport class is not decorated with the [ActiveRecord] attribute.
I understand the error but how can I return a strongly typed list of a non-AR type? I've looked at what NHibernate.Transform offers but nothing stands out.
Also, is doing this bad practice?
Edit: I managed to solve it by gaining access to the underlying database session and executing my criteria from there.
ISession sess = ActiveRecordMediator.GetSessionFactoryHolder().
ICriteria criteria = sess.CreateCriteria<Incident>("i")
.Add(Projections.Property("i.Id"), "IncidentId")
.Add(Projections.Property("l.Id"), "LocationId")
.CreateCriteria("Locations", "l")
.Add(Expression.Eq("l.PrimaryLocationFlag", "T"))
return criteria.List<AuditReport>();
Now I'm wondering, is there another of achieving this without manually creating a new session?
If you want to use a class for a transformation-result, then you might need to "import" it to ActiveRecord.
Try decorating any AR class with (or maybe the AuditReport, but it might need to be a AR-decorated class):
[Import( typeof( AuditReport ), "AuditReport" )]
That would translate to the NHibernate import attribute in xml-config.
This atleast solve it when using a class construct in HQL, like this:
select new OrderSummary(o.Foo, count(o.Foo))
from Orders o
group by o.Bar