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How do I use type switch on struct fields (when field is of interface type)?


I have a need to do things based on the type of the struct fields.

The following does not work when a field is of interface type.

I think I get why this is not working. But is there a way to do what I want to do?

package main

import (

type TT struct {
    Foo int

type II interface {
    Bar(int) (int, error)

type SS struct {
    F1 TT
    F2 II

func main() {
    var rr SS
    value := reflect.ValueOf(rr)
    for ii := 0; ii < value.NumField(); ii++ {
        fv := value.Field(ii)
        xv := fv.Interface()
        switch vv := xv.(type) {
            fmt.Printf("??: vv=%T,%v\n", vv, vv)
        case TT:
            fmt.Printf("TT: vv=%T,%v\n", vv, vv)
        case II:
            fmt.Printf("II: vv=%T,%v\n", vv, vv)


  • Maybe this gets you where you want to go?

    func main() {
        var rr SS
        typ := reflect.TypeOf(rr)
        TTType := reflect.TypeOf(TT{})
        IIType := reflect.TypeOf((*II)(nil)).Elem() // Yes, this is ugly.
        for ii := 0; ii < typ.NumField(); ii++ {
            fv := typ.Field(ii)
            ft := fv.Type
            switch {   
            case ft == TTType:
                fmt.Printf("TT: %s\n", ft.Name())
            case ft.Implements(IIType):
                fmt.Printf("II: %s\n", ft.Name())
                fmt.Printf("??: %s %s\n", ft.Kind(), ft.Name())