I am begginer with R so maybe I am missing some concept about functions. But here is my example and I am interested why it works like that?
myPlot = function(ts, addAdx = TRUE) {
if (addAdx) {
getSymbols("DIA", src='yahoo');
myPlot(DIA, addAdx = FALSE)
If I set addAdx parameter to false then my function does not plot the chart (otherwise its fine). Why is that?
If you don't use return the R functions return the latest computed value.
If addAdx is set to FALSE the function returns a void.
This code solve your problem:
myPlot = function(ts, addAdx = TRUE) {
p <- chart_Series(ts);
if (addAdx) {
p <- add_TA(ADX(HLC(ts))$ADX)
p #return(p)