Hi I've done a simple query for a ranking mechanism with the query builder.
$result = $qb
->where('u.status = 1')
->from('PGMainBundle:User', 'u')
->addSelect('COUNT(c.id) as HIDDEN nChallenges')
->leftJoin('u.challenges', 'c', 'WITH', 'c.closed = 1' )
->add('orderBy','u.points DESC, nChallenges DESC')
->orderBy('u.points', 'DESC')
->addOrderBy('nChallenges', 'DESC')
Now while my ranking mechanism works fine, I'd like to check what loop.index a user with an $id has.
Said this, I don't want to use a foreach loop on the result to do so.
Is there a more optimal way just to return the "position" in the ranking ?
Possibly using the query builder ?
The result should be an array collection so you can get the index of a given element like this :
Else if the keys are not in order, but are the id of the entities :
$keys = $result->getKeys();
$id = $yourElement->getId();
$position = array_search($id, $keys);