Trying to execute this postgres query:
select date('2015-10-05') from posts;
I'm passing the date as a string:
Repo, "select date('$1') from posts", ["2015-10-05"])
But getting an error that the datetime format is invalid.
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR (invalid_datetime_format):
invalid input syntax for type date: "$1"
[debug] select date('$1') from posts ["2015-10-05"]
ERROR query=0.6ms
(ecto) lib/ecto/adapters/sql.ex:172: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!/5
However, I'm not passing it as a date, but as a string. Postgres' date()
function accepts string too, AFAIK and the error is still the same when I add ::varchar
to make sure it's a string. Any advice how can this be avoided?
So you want to pass it into Ecto in the form {2015, 10, 5}
instead of as a string.
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(Repo, "SELECT $1::date", [{2015, 10, 5}])
You can make a little helper function to turn a string into that format:
def string_to_date(str) do
{_, date} = Ecto.Date.cast(str)