I am trying to figure out how to make Water Bucket problem solver, using Depth First Search. And I am running into problem where i somehow get states that can not exits. Right now implementing only processes FILL and EMPTY
2 jugs, 3l, 4l, I need 4
input :> 2,3,4,4
Output :> inf. loop of [[3,3],[3.3]]
I am using Node Class
class Node
attr_reader :parent, :state, :childrens
def initialize(parent, state, childrens)
@parent = parent
@state = state
@childrens = childrens
And a main class that should implement DFS
require_relative 'node'
$solutions = Array.new
def DFS(node, bag, target)
puts "Starting Function"
node.state.each do |s|
s.size.times do |b|
# Loome uue seisu
n_state = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(s))
n_state[b][1] = n_state[b][0]
n_state = [n_state]
# Kontrollime, kas on juba olnud
if bag.has_key?(n_state)
return bag
# Kontrollime, kas on lahendus
solution = n_state.select{|k| k.any?{|v| v[1] == target}}[0]
if solution
return bag
bag[node.state] = n_state.to_s + " FILL "
child = Node.new(node, n_state, nil)
puts child.state.to_s + " : " + bag.to_s
bag = DFS(child, bag, target)
# Loome uue seisu
kann = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(s))
kann[b][1] = 0
n_state = [n_state]
# Kontrollime, kas on juba olnud
if bag.has_key?(n_state)
return bag
# Kontrollime, kas on lahendus
solution = n_state.select{|k| k.any?{|v| v[1] == target}}[0]
if solution
return bag
bag[node.state] = n_state.to_s + " Empty "
child = Node.new(node, n_state, nil)
puts child.state.to_s + " : " + bag.to_s
DFS(child, bag, target)
Sisendi Muster järgimne :
"a , a * [x] , d" ,
kus a on veekannude arv,
a*[x] on veekannued mahud
ja d on soovitud lõpptulemus
2 , 3 , 4 , 2
Mul on 2 veekannu 3l ja 4l. Tulemuseks tahan saada 2l.
# Küsime sisendi
input = gets.split(/,/).map{|p| p.to_i} # Saame sisendi lõigume tükkideks "," järgi ja muudame kõik osad intideks (to_int)
# Määrame ära keskkonna.
count = input.shift # saame koguse
start = (1..count).map{[input.shift, 0]} # saame iga veekannu mahu
target= input.shift # viimane element on meie soovitud tulemus
step = 0
states = {start => ""} # Hashmap, kus start on võti ja "" väärtus.
current = states.keys
start_node = Node.new(nil, current, nil)
states = {start => ""}
puts "GIVING STATE : " + current.to_s
DFS(start_node, states, target)
puts $solutions.to_s
I couldn't figure out what was wrong, specially with the comments in a language I don't understand, so I did it from scratch. Some of the key aspects are:
def drop_onto(state, from_max, to_max, from, to) if (state[from] == 0 || state[to] == to_max) #From is empty or To is full return state end new_state = state.dup missing_to = to_max - state[to] if state[from] > missing_to then #Fill to new_state[from] -= missing_to new_state[to] += missing_to else #Empty from new_state[to] += new_state[from] new_state[from] = 0 end return new_state end def DFS(buckets, visited, state, goal) return false if visited[state] return [[state]] if state == goal #We reached our goal! visited[state] = true state.each_with_index do |from_quantity, from| state.each_with_index do |to_quantity, to| next if from == to # Don't drop onto itself new_state = drop_onto state, buckets[from], buckets[to], from, to try_dfs = DFS buckets, visited, new_state, goal return try_dfs.push state if try_dfs #In case we found something, add state to the list end end return false end buckets = [3, 5, 8] visited = Hash.new start = [0, 0, 8] goal = [0, 4, 4] print DFS buckets, visited, start, goal