I have a csv file "harvest.csv", one of the columns contains dates. Here is what I came to (plot.rb):
require 'csv'
require 'gnuplot'
days = Array.new
mg = Array.new
csv = CSV.open("../data/harvest.csv", headers: :first_row, converters: :numeric)
csv.each do |row|
days << row[1]
mg << row[3]
dates = []
days.each {|n| dates << Date.strptime(n,"%Y-%m-%d")}
Gnuplot.open do |gp|
Gnuplot::Plot.new( gp ) do |plot|
plot.timefmt "'%Y%m%d'"
plot.title "Best Harvest Day"
plot.xlabel "Time"
**plot.xrange "[('2013-04-01'):('2013-06-01')]"**
plot.ylabel "Harvested"
plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new( [dates,mg] ) do |ds|
ds.with = "linespoints"
ds.title = "Pollen harvested"
When I run plot.rb an error is raised:
line 735: Can't plot with an empty x range!
Should I convert [dates] to something else?
The format you're setting with plot.timefmt
must match the one you're using in range. Right now the -
are missing. Also, you need to set xdata
to time
to set datatype on the x axis to time.
Gnuplot::Plot.new(gp) do |plot|
plot.timefmt "'%Y-%m-%d'"
plot.title "Best Harvest Day"
plot.xlabel "Time"
plot.xdata "time"
plot.xrange '["2013-04-01":"2013-06-01"]'
plot.ylabel "Harvested"
plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new([dates, mg]) do |ds|
ds.with = "linespoints"
ds.title = "Pollen harvested"
ds.using = "1:2"