Problem: closing the document window produces the following exception:
An instance 0x600000140630 of class SimpleApp.Document was deallocated while key value
observers were still registered with it. Current observation info: <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x6100000424f0> …
<NSKeyValueObservance 0x6100000c2f40: Observer: 0x6280000c7a10, Key path: managedObjectContext, Options: <New: NO, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x0, Property: 0x6100000429a0>
-[NSAutoreleasePool drain]: This pool has already been drained, do not release it (double release).
Here’ what I’ve done:
Created a new Xcode Project using:
In Document.xcdatamodeld
In Main.storyboard,
dragged a table view (view based), 2 buttons (“Add” and “Remove”) and an ArrayController to the view controller
ArrayController mode set to Entity
Now the first problem was to bind the ArrayController managedObjectContext. I needed a reference to the Document subclass. So I added
weak var document: Document? {
didSet {
print("ViewController, document didSet")
in ViewController and bound the ArrayController managed object context to it (document.managedObjectContext).
After trying, without success, to set this var in various places (ViewController.viewDidLoad() , in a NSWindowController subclass's windowDidLoad(), NSDocumentController.sharedDocumentController().documentForWindow(self.window!)
was always nil.
I made it work using the following in Document.makeWindowControllers()
if let viewController = windowController.contentViewController {
viewController.setValue(self, forKey: "document")
So, now I can create a new document, and save it, open a saved document but as soon as I close the window I get the previous exception. I added deinit methods to the view controller and the document and the exception occurs after Document.deinit
is called but before ViewController.deinit
. So it looks like the array controller is still observing the Document managedObjectContext which no longer exists.
Maybe I’m missing something obvious here, but I can’t find a simple example on how to use storyboards, array controller and document together. BTW, I also tried without Core Data and got the same exception.
I've made a github project
The steps to reproduce the crash:
Looks like the only way to solve this is by changing the document's reference in ViewController from weak to strong.
I was afraid it may cause a retain cycle but it doesn't (according to the print statements and deinit methods for ViewController and Document). I tried to cover all possibles cases and even if sometimes the document isn't deallocated after closing it's window, it will eventually be deallocated when a new document is created or another one is modified.