I am using rsnapshot for backups and noticed a problem.
I defined some rsync_long_args in the rsnapshot.conf file
rsync_long_args --delete --numeric-ids --relative
Further in the file, when declaring BACKUP POINTS / SCRIPTS, I need to add some specific sync_long_args that will use the initial sync_long_args, add or overwrite the args, example:
backup backup@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/usr/local/nagios/ myserver/ rsync_long_args=--compress-level=5
And there I have a problem, when testing the rsnapshot with the -t option, I am geting:
/usr/bin/rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids --relative --link-dest=/data/backups/rsnapshot/daily.1/myserver/ backup@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/usr/local/nagios/ /data/backups/rsnapshot/daily.0/myserver/
You can notice here that the address of the source dir is
There is the last slash that will only copy the content of the /usr/local/nagios directory, and I need the full path, so the slash shouldn't be there.
If I remove the rsync_long_args= in the BACKUP POINTS / SCRIPTS, then the slash is not there anymore.
Any idea why?
I found the solution, it is enough to add + in frond of the rsync_long_args
backup backup@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/usr/local/nagios/ myserver/ +rsync_long_args=--compress-level=5