I'm using vim for python IDE from past few months, but recently a new problem has encountered. Whenever I press . (dot) in insert mode the cursor does not move to next position instead it remains at same position and a pop sound come when I press . (dot) key. This problem is not letting me to code properly.
Below is a pic. to explain problem : -
here when i write turtle.
then the problem comes I have to move one step explicitly using my arrow key. Please tell if I need to upload my .vimrc file
I’d guess that the dot character has a mapping for Insert mode which changes its behaviour. To see what this is, type the following command:
imap .
To see which file was used to set the mapping in the first place, prepend the command with verbose
verbose imap .
To remove the mapping, run this command:
iunmap .
To prevent the mapping from being set again, you’ll have to modify the file indicated by the second command.