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What are views in MySQL?

What are views in MySQL? What's the point of views and how often are they used in the real world?


  • Normal Views are nothing more then queryable queries.


    You have two tables, orders and customers, orders has the fields id, customer_id, performance_date and customers has id, first_name, last_name.

    Now lets say you want to show the order id, performance date and customer name together instead of issuing this query:

    SELECT as order_id, c.first_name + ' ' + c.last_name as customer_name,
    FROM      orders o inner join customers c

    you could create that query as a view and name it orders_with_customers, in your application you can now issue the query

    SELECT   *
    FROM     orders_with_customer

    One benefit is abstraction, you could alter the way you store the customers name, like inlcuding a middle name, and just change the views query. All applications that used the view continue to do so but include the middle name now.