I have a sandbox app using the shopify_app engine. Routes was removed in the most recent versions of the shopify_app gem, causing the following error:
rake aborted!
remote: NoMethodError: undefined method `routes=' for #<ShopifyApp::Configuration:0x007fcab708e448>
remote: /tmp/build_5d0f45fef6ff96f0e7e2e5cebd603067/config/initializers/shopify_app_initializer.rb:6:in `block in <top (required)>'
remote: /tmp/build_5d0f45fef6ff96f0e7e2e5cebd603067/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/shopify_app-6.2.1/lib/shopify_app/configuration.rb:31:in `configure'
remote: /tmp/build_5d0f45fef6ff96f0e7e2e5cebd603067/config/initializers/shopify_app_initializer.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
So I am trying to mount the engine in my application routes file.
Here is the rails mount line I have added in line 2, but the NoMethodError is unchanged after mounting the ShopifyApp Engine. I am not understanding the fundamental problem or how to fix it.
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
mount ShopifyApp::Engine => '/', as: 'shopify_app'
controller :sessions do
get 'login' => :new, :as => :login
post 'login' => :create, :as => :authenticate
get 'auth/shopify/callback' => :callback
get 'logout' => :destroy, :as => :logout
get 'modal' => "home#modal", :as => :modal
get 'modal_buttons' => "home#modal_buttons", :as => :modal_buttons
get 'regular_app_page' => "home#regular_app_page"
get 'help' => "home#help"
get 'pagination' => "home#pagination"
get 'breadcrumbs' => "home#breadcrumbs"
get 'buttons' => "home#buttons"
get 'form_page' => "home#form_page"
post 'form_page' => "home#form_page"
get 'error' => 'home#error'
root :to => 'home#index'
Could someone please point me in the right direction? I imagine the precompile is breaking on the .routes invocation but I need help making the next leap
ShopifyApp::Engine.routes.draw do
I removed the line config.routes
from shopify_app_initializer.rb--it was set to false