I have a method on grails 2.4.3 (I removed the parts that does not matter):
protected void handleAnswerEvent(Message event) {
def con = Contrato.find("from Contrato where ? in elements(telefones)", [tel])
But this method is running in a thread outside of the grails managed classes (I'm not very sure that what I'm saying here makes sense...). The point is is after a while it gives me:
org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PoolExhaustedException: [http-bio-8080-exec-254] Timeout: Pool empty.
Changing the max connections does not solve the problem of the leak. What am I supposed to do to grails to close this automatically or is there other way to solve this?
take a look of these links, I guess they may help you to solve your problem
Issue is something related to connection pool leak problems. Using GroovySQL outside of transaction context leaks connections if you don't explicitly close the the connection (GRAILS-5454 fixed that in transactional context, but the problem remains outside of transactions). take a look of these links, I guess they may help you to solve your problem. Issue have been resolved in grails 2.4.4