I have a string array which contains couple of paragraphs .one word contains a italic font. How can i apply italic font for a particular word-textview . I know we can apply italic using spannable. but any other way?
<string-array name="string_collections" formatted="false">
<item>nutrients and weakens the <![CDATA[<i>Agni</i>]]>(digestive fire) within the stomach. Ayurveda recommends sipping minimal amounts during meals, with larger volumes spaced throughout the day, always away from food.
It is showing as text. no effect using Html.fromHtml method.
I found a better approch my self.just use Matcher and get index of it.
java.util.regex.Pattern p =
final Matcher matcher = p.matcher(whole_text);
final SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder(whole_text);
while (matcher.find()) {
Log.e("Spannable", "Spannable" +"Matchfound");
//apply span which you want.
spannable.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), matcher.start(), matcher.end(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Note:just found some another issue i have faced while using if you are trying to do as below
tvtextmsg.setText(spannable+"\n \n"+another_text);
spannable will not be effected .you need do as
tvtextmsg.append("\n \n"+another_text)