New to flume...
I'm receiving avro events and storing them into HDFS.
I understand that by default only the body of the event is stored in HDFS. I also know there is an avro_event serializer. But I do not know what this serializer is actually doing? How does it effect the final output of the sink?
Also, I can't figure out how to just dump the event into HDFS preserving its header information. Do I need to write my own serializer?
As it turns out the serializer avro_event
does store both header & body in the file.
Here is how I set up my sink:
I sent the events using the packaged agent avro-client
, injected headers by using the -R headerFile
content of headerFile:
Finally tested the results using a simple java app I stole from this posting:
final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(getConf());
final Path path = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), "FlumeData.1446072877536");
printWriter.write(path + "-exists: " + fs.exists(path));
final SeekableInput input = new FsInput(path, getConf());
final DatumReader<GenericRecord> reader = new GenericDatumReader<GenericRecord>();
final FileReader<GenericRecord> fileReader = DataFileReader.openReader(input, reader);
for (final GenericRecord datum : fileReader) {
printWriter.write("value = " + datum);
And sure enough I see my headers for each record, here is one line:
value = {"headers": {"machine": "localhost", "user": "myName"}, "body": {"bytes": "set -x"}}
There is one other serializer that also emits the headers and that is the header_and_text serializer The resulting file is a human-readable text file. Here is a sample line:
{machine=localhost, user=userName} set -x
Finally in the Apache Flume - Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop, there is a mention of the header_and_text
serialzer but I couldn't get that to work.