I am confused to the correct usage of the OneDriveSDK for IOS on the correct way to create a query in order to get all items in the special folder.
I want to get the music items but once I create the request how should it be executed ?
There is no relevant example I can find anywhere. Other types of requests have implementation methods, but not special folders
The url I want to construct is simple enough
But I am confused on how to use the SDK to create and execute it
@class ODItemRequest, ODURLSessionDataTask;
The furthest I got was
ODSpecialCollectionRequest *musicCollectionRequest = self.client.drive.special.request;
What would I do next ?
documentation is at
and the sdk is at
#import "ODModels.h"
#import "ODCollectionRequest.h"
typedef void (^ODItemCompletionHandler)(ODItem *response, NSError *error);
typedef void (^ODSpecialCompletionHandler)(ODCollection *response, ODSpecialCollectionRequest *nextRequest, NSError *error);
* The header for type ODSpecialCollectionRequestBuilder.
@interface ODSpecialCollectionRequest : ODCollectionRequest
First notice that the request you are generating isn't quite right. You want an ODChildrenCollectionRequest
, generated from the "Music" folder. To do this you will need to construct the correct URL using method calls (not properties like you have above). This looks like:
ODChildrenCollectionRequest *request = [[self.client drive] special:@"Music"] children] request];
You then want to execute a get on the children request. This looks like :
[request getWithCompletion:^(ODCollection *response, ODChildrenCollectionRequest *nextRequest, NSError *error){
// Do Stuff with children
The completion handler takes three parameters
which contains a NSArray
of ODItem
these are the children of the music folder. ODChildrenCollectionRequest
, By default we only return the first
200 items in a collection, this is another request you can issue
that will return the next page of items.NSError
object, this will be nil
unless there was an error
somewhere along the request.