Why doesn't the following work?
Some(List()) must beSome(Nil)
'Some(List())' is Some but List() is not equal to 'org.specs2.matcher.ValueChecks$$anon$3@480ba116'
Note that
Some(List()) must beSome(List())
also don't work.
'Some(List())' is Some but List() is not equal to
Actual: List()
Expected: org.specs2.matcher.ValueChecks$$anon$4@48d1978f
So the problem is not Nil
We know that what we are really doing is something like:
The problem seems with beSome
. Let's see what beSome
is returning:
val bl = beSome(List()) // SomeCheckedMatcher[Int]
val bn = beSome(Nil) // SomeCheckedMatcher[Int]
This doesn't seen right since the return type is like were are checking an Option for a Integer:
val b = beSome(2) // SomeCheckedMatcher[Int]
And those are not our target types:
val myList = List() // myList: List[Nothing] = List()
val myList2 = Nil // myList2: scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type = List()
So, what's wrong?
Looking at the documentation (Option/Either), you can use beSome
the folowing ways:
check if an element isSome(_)
check if an element isSome(exp)
check if an element isSome(a)
where a satisfies the matcher
beSome(function: A => AsResult[B])
check if an element isSome(a)
returns a successfulResult
(note that aSeq[A]
is also a functionInt => A
so if you want to check that a sequence is contained in Some you need to use a matcher:beSome(===(Seq(1)))
The last alternative seems to be our problem here. Note the List()
is like Seq
, a function from Int => A. In, our example:
val myList = List() // myList: List[Nothing] = List()
val func: Int => Nothing = myList // func: Int => Nothing = List()
To fix this we should use a matcher (the third alternative of the documentation):
Some(List()) must beSome(beEqualTo(List()))
Some(List()) must beSome(beEqualTo(Nil))
// or
Some(List()) must beSome(be_==(List()))
Some(List()) must beSome(be_==(Nil))