After having read up on RE/NFA and DFA, it seems that finding a substring within a string might actually be asymptotically faster using an RE rather than a brute force O(mn) find. My reasoning is that a DFA would actually maintain state and avoid processing each character in the "haystack" more than once. Hence, searches in long strings may actually be much faster if done with regular expressions.
Of course, this is valid only for RE matchers that convert from NFA to DFA.
Has anyone experienced better string match performance in real life when using RE rather than a brute force matcher?
First of all, I would recommend you read the article about internals of regular expressions in several languages: Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast.
Because regexps in many languages are not just for matching, but also provide possibility of group-capturing and back-referencing, almost all implementations use so called "backtracking" when execute NFA built from the given regexp. And this implementation has exponential time complexity (in worst case).
There could be RE implementation through the DFA (with group capturing), but it has an overhead (see Laurikari's paper NFAs with Tagged Transitions, their Conversion to Deterministic Automata and Application to Regular Expressions).
For simple substring searching you could use Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, which build DFA to search substring, and it has optimal O(len(s)) complexity. But it hase overhead also, and if you test naive approach (O(nm)) against this optimal algorithm on real-world words and phrases (which are not so repetitive), you could find that naive approach is better in average.
For exact substring searching you could also try Boyer–Moore algo, which has O(mn) worst-case complexity, but work better than KMP in average on real-world data.