I am using ZBAR in a project to read barcodes, and also QR. After reading a QR, I receive a String like this:
The thing is, I KNOW that is a JSON, and I need one of the values inside that JSON. But the same barcode scanner must be used to read regular barcodes, too.
How could I know if its a QR, or a regular barcode what was read? And, once I know, how can I extract the JSON from that weird String?
My code is as follows:
PreviewCallback CallbackCamara = new PreviewCallback()
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters();
Size dimensiones = parameters.getPreviewSize();
Image barcode = new Image(dimensiones.width, dimensiones.height,"Y800");
int result = escaner.scanImage(barcode);
if (result != 0) {
previsualizandoCamara = false;
SymbolSet syms = escaner.getResults();
for (Symbol sym : syms) {
valor = sym;
barcodeScanned = true;
I figured it out, its a BASE64 String, to decode it:
String stringFromBase = new String(Base64.decode(sym.getData(), Base64.DEFAULT));
And in that String I have my JSON object.