I've a sample TypeScript code and I'm trying to bundle multiple ts/tsx files using typescript compiler (tsc).
Here is the code:
File: ISample.ts
class ISample{
constructor(public value:string){
export = ISample;
File: Sample.ts
import ISample = require('./ISample');
class SampleImpl{
value: ISample;
this.value = new ISample(sample+'');
File: tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "amd",
"noImplicitAny": true,
"removeComments": true,
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"jsx": "react",
"outFile": "./dist/bundle.js",
"target": "es3",
"listFiles": true,
"sourceMap": false
"files": [
When I run the command:
bundle.js is generated but it is completely blank.
The problem doesn't occur when I move the code to Internal Modules
The problem also doesn't occur when I omit the import/require statement and use a declaration for ISample class, but in that case bundle.js does not contain the code of ISample class
Any ideas why this is happening?
This is not supported for now: Suggestion: multi-file external modules.
There are a set of workarounds, e.g. Compile TypeScript with modules and bundle to one file