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Mysql Query: error that says subquery returns more than 1 row

I am trying to do a complex query from two tables...It's a question from a skill quiz.


**Orders                                    Customer**s
    id                                         id
    date                                     first_name
    shipping_amount                          last_name 
    order_status                             city
    customer_id (             state 


| State     |  # Orders  |
| NY        |  55        |
| CA        |  40        |
| NJ        |  33        |
| FL        |  21        |
| MO        |  12        |

I have been working on my query and it looks like this...

select DISTINCT state, (select count(id) Orders
                        from customers
                        group by state
                        ORDER BY Orders DESC) FROM Customers

It gave me an error that says subquery returns more than 1 row


  • Try this:

    SELECT c.state, COUNT( AS Orders 
    FROM Customers c, Orders o 
    WHERE o.customer_id = 
    GROUP BY state 
    ORDER BY Orders DESC

    The sub query isn't necessary.