I am using
declare @starttime datetime = '2015-10-28 10:00',
@endtime datetime = '2015-10-28 12:00',
@interval int = 30
I would like to retrieve these values from a table instead of declaring them as static values. I have a separate table that has these 3 values (Startdate
, Enddate
, interval
I tried creating a temp table an then inserting values into it but the naming convention fails to work if I want to use the vales in my further query. My entire query is this and in this i want the startdate
, enddate
to be fetched from the database instead of being static.
create table #booking (start datetime, [end] datetime)
insert into #booking values
('2015-10-28 08:00','2015-10-28 08:30'),
('2015-10-28 10:00','2015-10-28 10:30'),
('2015-10-28 10:30','2015-10-28 11:00')
declare @starttime datetime = '2015-10-28 08:00',
@endtime datetime = '2015-10-28 12:00',
@interval int = 30,
@slots int
select @slots = datediff(minute, @starttime, @endtime)/@interval
INTO #Numbers
FROM master.dbo.syscolumns a CROSS JOIN master.dbo.syscolumns b;
dateadd(minute,((n-1)*@interval),@starttime) as start,
dateadd(minute,(n*@interval),@starttime) as [end]
select s.*, b.* from #slots s
left join #booking b
on s.start = b.start and s.[end] = b.[end]
where b.start is null
drop table #numbers, #booking, #slots
I'm not so sure I understand the question, but assuming you can fetch a single row from that table, you could just do this:
declare @starttime datetime
,@endtime datetime
,@interval int
select @starttime = starttime
,@endtime = endtime
,@interval = interval
from yourTable
where <condition>