I have an app that contains a table view. The table view is populated by data pulled from Parse. To get the number of rows that I want the TableView to be populated with, I query parse.
var activeGamesCurrentUser = 0
(count, error) -> Void in
let countedInt = Int(UInt32(count))
self.activeGamesCurrentUser = countedInt
But, when I attempt to return activeGamesCurrentUser for the number of rows, it is always 0 because the variable doesn't update outside of the completion block. If I print "countedInt" inside of the block, it is a number greater than 0.
I do not want to solve the problem like this:
var count = gamesQuery.countObjects()
activeGamesCurrentUser = count
The reason for this is because "countObjects()" is synchronous and will continue running in the foreground forever. Any help regarding this issue will be appreciated.
Here is the full method:
var activeGamesCurrentUser = 0
func getRowNumber() {
if PFUser.currentUser() != nil && finished == true {
currentUserObjectId = PFUser.currentUser()?.objectId
let currentUser = PFUser.currentUser()
let challengedQuery = PFQuery(className: "Games")
challengedQuery.whereKey("challenged", equalTo: currentUserObjectId)
let challengerQuery = PFQuery(className: "Games")
challengerQuery.whereKey("challenger", equalTo: (currentUser?.objectId)!)
let gamesQuery = PFQuery.orQueryWithSubqueries([challengedQuery, challengerQuery])
(count, error) -> Void in
let countedInt = Int(UInt32(count))
self.activeGamesCurrentUser = countedInt
override func viewDidLoad() {
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return activeGamesCurrentUser
Couple of things -
First, always access class properties inside the block with a weak reference to self.
Second, reload table once you are done updating your model.
weak var aBlockSelf = self
(count, error) -> Void in
let countedInt = Int(UInt32(count))
aBlockSelf.activeGamesCurrentUser = countedInt