I am using ruby with neography backed by neo4j with spatial extension. The following error occured:
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Cannot parse 'bbox:[11.6,11.4,47.1,48.2]': Encountered \" \"]\" \"] \"\" at line 1, column 25.\nWas expecting one of:\n \"TO\" ...\n ...\n ...\n " (Neography::BadInputException)
This is the query:
start n = node:road_nodes('bbox:[11.6,11.4,47.1,48.2]') return n
The same error occurs if I put the query in the web-frontend of neo4j: (Neo.DatabaseError.Statement.ExecutionFailure)
with the error-message like above:
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Cannot parse 'bbox:[11.6,11.4,47.1,48.2]': Encountered " "]" "] "" at line 1, column 25. Was expecting one of: "TO" ... ... ...
Answer to my own question:
This error occurs, when there is no spatial index.
In my case I forgot to create the spatial index after I reset the whole database.
So the solution to this "parse error" is to simply create the spatial index.