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Creating A Soundboard In C# .NET Dim Statement Doesnt Turn Blue

I'm quite new to c# but most of the times I can handle the errors being thrown my way but this one just doesn't seem to work. Not sure if I'm too close to the issue or something.


I've been working on a small project called "SoundBoard For Kids" where I want to create an educational software like a Sound book, nothing too fancy just something to get my knowledge going, and I've made it pretty far into the code but now when I try to make a button play a sound I cant get the code to work, The "Dim" statement doesnt want to light up, neither does the "As String". Am I forgetting to add something? I'm too afraid to add a Media Player because i'm worried it will mess up the whole code.

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Dim sPath As String
        Dim mySound As Media.SoundPlayer

        sPath = "Location of where I have the sound file.wmv"
        mySound = new Media.SoundPlayer(sPath)


  • Since you have not provided error code I will assume it is syntax error.

    Your button_click event should look something close to this:

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sPath; //Declaration pattern: Variable Type followed by Name
        System.Media.SoundPlayer mySound; //if you're not using namespace full path
        sPath = "Location of where I have the sound file.wmv";
        mySound = new Media.SoundPlayer(sPath);

    Since dim is used in VB and does not exist in C#. You should declare variables as shown above. Following pattern: type, name and optional - provide variables with values.

    Note: reference types should be assigned before using, otherwise it will throw NullReferenceException.