When action method gets executed...Error Occurs.. Call to member function get_where() on a Non Object in file UserFactory.
User Model
class User_Model extends CI_Model {
function __construct()
private $_username;
private $_password;
public function getUsername()
return $this->_username;
public function setUsername($value)
$this->_username = $value;
User Factory
if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class UserFactory {
private $_ci;
function __construct()
$this->_ci =& get_instance();
//Include the user_model so we can use it
public function checkLogin($userName, $password) {
//Getting an individual user
$query = $this->_ci->db->get_where("panel_login",
array("username" => $userName, "password" => $password));
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $this->createObjectFromData($query->row());
return null;
public function createObjectFromData($row) {
$user = new User_Model();
return $user;
Controller Action Method
public function AuthenticateUser() {
//Is the UserName and Password values retrieved?
if( isset( $_POST['userName'] ) && isset( $_POST['password'] ) ) {
//Get User details based on UserName and Password
$userName = addslashes($_POST['userName']);
$password = addslashes($_POST['password']);
$data = array(
"users" => $this->userfactory->checkLogin($userName, $password)
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode( $data );
else {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode( 'UserName or Password cannot be blank' );
When action method gets executed...Error Occurs.. Call to member function get_where() on a Non Object in file UserFactory.
I'm assuming its this line of code?
$query = $this->_ci->db->get_where("panel_login", array("username" => $userName, "password" => $password));
Anyhow, this has been answered on here many times.
Maybe try this: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\ci\application\models\site_model.php on line 6
CodeIgniter Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object [duplicate]