I have an object like this in drill:
{MyFruit: [{name:Mike, age:10},{name:Jacob,age:9},{name:William, age:6}]}
I can get "Mike" by doing:
Select MyFruit[0].name
Is there a way for me to get the list of every single "name"? I tried the following and it does not like it:
Select MyFruit[*].name
Given this fruits.json file:
{"MyFruit": [{"name":"Mike", "age":10},{"name":"Jacob","age":9},{"name":"William", "age":6}]}
The Drill statement is:
select t.flatdata.name from (select flatten(MyFruit) as flatdata from dfs.`/Users/path/fruits.json`) t;
| EXPR$0 |
| Mike |
| Jacob |
| William |
3 rows selected (0.14 seconds)
You need to use a subquery that flattens the complex nesting and table aliases, t and flatdata, that resolve ambiguities.