I want to send some info back to my database when a user prints a certain web page. I can do this in IE with onbeforeprint()
and onafterprint()
but I would like to browser agnostic way of doing the same thing. Don't care which combination of technologies I have to use (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML) so long as it gets done. Any ideas?
Still having some problems with this. I tried the putting my function in my Print.css
as an image, but I am messing it up some how. Then I tried just adding a event listener, but I cannot get that to work quite right either. If anyone can provide some more details on how I might call a function right before print in ANY browser I would appreciate it.
I am giving up on this for now, I have settled with another way of doing what I want. I look forward to the day when FireFox supports onbeforeprint() and onafterprint().
I m not sure other browsers will allow you to. You could of course specify an image somewhere in a print stylesheet, which probably only will be called on a print, for the onbeforeprint