I recently updated Xcode to 7.1 And downloaded iOS 8.4 And iOS 9.0 Simulator.
When I run
xcodebuild -showsdks
I get
OS X SDKs: OS X 10.11 -sdk macosx10.11
iOS SDKs: iOS 9.1 -sdk iphoneos9.1
iOS Simulator SDKs: Simulator - iOS 9.1 -sdk
tvOS SDKs: tvOS 9.0 -sdk appletvos9.0
tvOS Simulator SDKs: Simulator - tvOS 9.0 -sdk
watchOS SDKs: watchOS 2.0 -sdk watchos2.0
watchOS Simulator SDKs: Simulator - watchOS 2.0 -sdk
I want
iOS Simulator SDKs:
to point to the
iOS 9.0 Simulator
or 8.4 Simulator
instead of
Simulator - iOS 9.1 -sdk iphonesimulator9.1
I've tried
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator9.0
But I get
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphonesimulator9.0" cannot be located.
Legacy iOS Simulator SDKs no longer ship with the latest versions of Xcode. To install an older Simulator SDK, take the iPhoneSimulator.sdk
directory from an older version of Xcode (Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk
), and copy it to your newer version.
For example, Xcode 6.4 comes with the 8.4 iOS Simulator SDK. To install that in Xcode 7, take the directory:
Rename it from iPhoneSimulator.sdk
to iPhoneSimulator8.4.sdk
Copy it to your Xcode 7 Simulator SDK directory:
Observe your new Simulator SDKs: