How to parse the result of a boost::spirit
grammar into an std::set
As an exercise to learn how to use boost::spirit
, I am designing a parser for X.500/LDAP Distinguished Names. The grammar can be found in a BNF format in the RFC-1779.
I "unrolled" it and translated it into boost::spirit
rules. That's the first step. Basically, a DN is a set of RDN (Relative Distinguished Names) which themselves are tuples of (Key,Value) pairs.
I think about using
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> rdn_type;
to represent each RDN. The RDNs are then gathered into a std::set<rdn_type>
My issue is that going through the (good) documentation of boost::spirit
, I didn't find out how to populate the set.
My current code can be found on github and I'm trying to refine it whenever I can.
Starting a satanic dance to summon SO's most popular polar bear :p
In order to have an all-at-one-place question, I add a copy of the code here, it's a bit long so I put it at the end :)
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> dn_key_value_map;
template <typename Iterator>
struct dn_grammar_common : public qi::grammar<Iterator, std::multiset<dn_key_value_map>(), ascii::space_type> {
struct dn_reserved_chars_ : public qi::symbols<char, char> {
dn_reserved_chars_() {
("\\", "\\")
("=" , "=")
("+" , "+")
("," , ",")
(";" , ";")
("#" , "#")
("<" , "<")
(">" , ">")
("\"", "\"")
("%" , "%");
} dn_reserved_chars;
dn_grammar_common() : dn_grammar_common::base_type(dn) {
// Useful using directives
using namespace qi::labels;
// Low level rules
// Key can only contain alphanumerical characters and dashes
key = ascii::no_case[qi::lexeme[(*qi::alnum) >> (*(qi::char_('-') >> qi::alnum))]];
escaped_hex_char = qi::lexeme[(&qi::char_("\\")) >> qi::repeat(2)[qi::char_("0-9a-fA-F")]];
escaped_sequence = escaped_hex_char |
qi::lexeme[(&qi::char_("\\")) >> dn_reserved_chars];
// Rule for a fully escaped string (used as Attribute Value) => "..."
quote_string = qi::lexeme[qi::lit('"') >>
*(escaped_sequence | (qi::char_ - qi::char_("\\\""))) >>
// Rule for an hexa string (used as Attribute Value) => #23AD5D...
hex_string = (&qi::char_("#")) >> *qi::lexeme[(qi::repeat(2)[qi::char_("0-9a-fA-F")])];
// Value is either:
// - A regular string (that can contain escaped sequences)
// - A fully escaped string (that can also contain escaped sequences)
// - An hexadecimal string
value = (qi::lexeme[*((qi::char_ - dn_reserved_chars) | escaped_sequence)]) |
quote_string |
// Higher level rules
rdn_pair = key >> '=' >> value;
// A relative distinguished name consists of a sequence of pairs (Attribute = AttributeValue)
// Separated with a +
rdn = rdn_pair % qi::char_("+");
// The DN is a set of RDNs separated by either a "," or a ";".
// The two separators can coexist in a given DN, though it is not
// recommended practice.
dn = rdn % (qi::char_(",;"));
qi::rule<Iterator, std::set<dn_key_value_map>(), ascii::space_type> dn;
qi::rule<Iterator, dn_key_value_map(), ascii::space_type> rdn;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::pair<std::string, std::string>(), ascii::space_type> rdn_pair;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), ascii::space_type> key, value, hex_string, quote_string;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), ascii::space_type> escaped_hex_char, escaped_sequence;
I suspect you just need fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp
Let me try to make it compile
your start rule was incompatible
qi::rule<Iterator, std::multiset<dn_key_value_map>(), ascii::space_type> dn;
the symbol table should map to string, not char
struct dn_reserved_chars_ : public qi::symbols<char, std::string> {
or you should change the mapped values to char literals.
Why do you use this, instead of
Have completed my review of the Grammar (purely from the implementation point-of-view, so I haven't actually read the RFC to check the assumptions).
I created a pull request here:
General Notes
Grammar rules:
requires char
values (not "."
but '.'
)Many simplifications
instances (they don't match anything, it's
just an assertion)no_case[]
directives; most have been realized
by removing the skipper from the rule declarationshex_string
made key
require at least one character (not checked the specs).
Note how
key = ascii::no_case[qi::lexeme[(*qi::alnum) >> (*(qi::char_('-') >> qi::alnum))]];
key = raw[ alnum >> *(alnum | '-') ];
means that the input sequence will be reflected verbatim
(instead of building a copy character by character)
reordered branches on value
(not checked, but I wager unqouted
strings would basically eat everything else)
qi::int_parser<char, 16, 2, 2>
Added a test program test.cpp, based on the Examples section in the rfc (3.).
Added some more complicated examples of my own devising.
Loose Ends
To do: review the specs for actual rules and requirements on
inclusion of whitespace (incl. newline characters) inside the various string flavours:
Also enabled optional BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
Also made the skipper internal to the grammar (security!)
Also made a convenience free function that makes the parser usable without leaking implementation details (Qi)
//#include "dn_parser.hpp"
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace pkistore {
namespace parsing {
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
namespace ast {
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> rdn;
typedef std::vector<rdn> dn;
template <typename Iterator>
struct dn_grammar_common : public qi::grammar<Iterator, ast::dn()> {
dn_grammar_common() : dn_grammar_common::base_type(start) {
using namespace qi;
// syntax as defined in rfc1779
key = raw[ alnum >> *(alnum | '-') ];
char_escape = '\\' >> (hexchar | dn_reserved_chars);
quote_string = '"' >> *(char_escape | (char_ - dn_reserved_chars)) >> '"' ;
value = quote_string
| '#' >> *hexchar
| *(char_escape | (char_ - dn_reserved_chars))
rdn_pair = key >> '=' >> value;
rdn = rdn_pair % qi::char_("+");
dn = rdn % qi::char_(",;");
start = skip(qi::ascii::space) [ dn ];
qi::int_parser<char, 16, 2, 2> hexchar;
qi::rule<Iterator, ast::dn()> start;
qi::rule<Iterator, ast::dn(), ascii::space_type> dn;
qi::rule<Iterator, ast::rdn(), ascii::space_type> rdn;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::pair<std::string, std::string>(), ascii::space_type> rdn_pair;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> key, value, quote_string;
qi::rule<Iterator, char()> char_escape;
struct dn_reserved_chars_ : public qi::symbols<char, char> {
dn_reserved_chars_() {
add ("\\", '\\') ("\"", '"')
("=" , '=') ("+" , '+')
("," , ',') (";" , ';')
("#" , '#') ("%" , '%')
("<" , '<') (">" , '>')
} dn_reserved_chars;
} // namespace parsing
static parsing::ast::dn parse(std::string const& input) {
using It = std::string::const_iterator;
pkistore::parsing::dn_grammar_common<It> const g;
It f = input.begin(), l = input.end();
pkistore::parsing::ast::dn parsed;
bool ok = boost::spirit::qi::parse(f, l, g, parsed);
if (!ok || (f!=l))
throw std::runtime_error("dn_parse failure");
return parsed;
} // namespace pkistore
int main() {
for (std::string const input : {
"OU=Sales + CN=J. Smith, O=Widget Inc., C=US",
"OU=Sa\\+les + CN=J. Smi\\%th, O=Wid\\,\\;get In\\3bc., C=US",
//"CN=Marshall T. Rose, O=Dover Beach Consulting, L=Santa Clara,\nST=California, C=US",
//"CN=FTAM Service, CN=Bells, OU=Computer Science,\nO=University College London, C=GB",
//"CN=Markus Kuhn, O=University of Erlangen, C=DE",
//"CN=Steve Kille,\nO=ISODE Consortium,\nC=GB",
//"CN=Steve Kille ,\n\nO = ISODE Consortium,\nC=GB",
//"CN=Steve Kille, O=ISODE Consortium, C=GB\n",
auto parsed = pkistore::parse(input);
std::cout << "===========\n" << input << "\n";
for(auto const& dn : parsed) {
std::cout << "-----------\n";
for (auto const& kv : dn) {
std::cout << "\t" << kv.first << "\t->\t" << kv.second << "\n";
OU=Sales + CN=J. Smith, O=Widget Inc., C=US
CN -> J. Smith
OU -> Sales
O -> Widget Inc.
C -> US
OU -> Sales
OU=Sa\+les + CN=J. Smi\%th, O=Wid\,\;get In\3bc., C=US
CN -> J. Smi%th
OU -> Sa+les
O -> Wid,;get In;c.
C -> US