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Execute script once before installing a directory tree

I am trying to write an Inno Setup installer to install and then run other installers. The problem I have is when trying to install Cygwin. I have downloaded Cygwin and all packages I need so I can perform a local install. Then I want to add extra files and directories to the Cygwin installation.

My first attempt was like this:

Source: "{#Cygwin}\Cygwin\*"; DestDir: {tmp}\cygwin; Flags: recursesubdirs;
Source: "{#Cygwin}\additional\*"; DestDir: {tmp}\cygwin\additional; Flags: recursesubdirs

Filename: "{tmp}\cygwin\setup-x86_64.exe"; Parameters: "-q -L"; WorkingDir: "{tmp}";

But this means that I must have a script to add the additional files because there is nowhere to put them until Cygwin is actually installed by the command in the [Run] section.

I have tried using a BeforeInstall script in the [Files] section to run the Cygwin installer before adding the additional files, but because I have to use a wildcard with Source: "{#Cygwin}\additional\*"; the script is called once for every file in the directory tree.

The [Files] section of Inno Setup seems to only accept source files, and not a source directory, unless the directory has a wildcard.

Is there a way I can make it install everything from a directory tree without using a wildcard, or is there a way I can make the BeforeInstall script run just once, regardless of how many files are copied?


  • Install the Cygwin on the first call to BeforeInstall function only.

      CygwinInstalled: Boolean;
    procedure MyBeforeInstall;
      if CygwinInstalled then
        Log('Cygwin installed already');
        Log('Installing Cygwin');
        { install Cygwin here }
        CygwinInstalled := true;