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Why isn't Maven recognizing my environment variables?

I’m Using Maven 3.3.3 on Mac Yosemite with Java 8. I have defined a variable, JBOSS_HOME, in my /etc/profile file …


In my terminal (using bash shell), I can see the value of this variable …

davea$ echo $JBOSS_HOME

However, when I run my Maven script (from the same shell), I can’t access the value of this variable. The below

                    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" />
                    <property environment="env" />
                    <echo message="jboss home: ${env.JBOSS_HOME}" />

produces …

 [echo] jboss home: ${env.JBOSS_HOME}

What gives? How do I get Maven to recognize my environment variables?


  • When I added this line at the top of my ~/.profile file


    Then the Maven script picked up the environment variable. Intuitive, eh?