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trying to output to pdf using weasyprint fails css

I'm trying to output a pdf from django. I am using weasyprint. Here is my view:

def fleet_report_pdf(request):
    template = loader.get_template("Reports/fleetreport.html")
    context = {
     'crews':  models.Unit.objects.all().annotate(c=Count('memberunit__Member')),
     's31': models.Member.objects.filter(memberunit__isnull=True)
    html = template.render(RequestContext(request, context))
    response = HttpResponse(content_type="application/pdf")
    weasyprint.HTML(string=html, base_url=request.build_absolute_uri(), url_fetcher=request).write_pdf(response)
    return response

The pdf loads however, the page is not styled. when digging further, I noticed errors like these in the console:

Failed to load stylesheet at : TypeError: 'WSGIRequest' object is not callable
Failed to load stylesheet at : TypeError: 'WSGIRequest' object is not callable
Failed to load stylesheet at : TypeError: 'WSGIRequest' object is not callable

This tells me that I'm missing something. How to make the stylesheets callable? Thanks.


  • You are using request object as a url fetcher in your weasyprint.HTML call (url_fetcher=request). You shouldn't need to provide this argument for fetching simple resources that does not require authentication or so.

    See this for details on URL fetchers.