Can you use named parameters in regular oracle functions like for instance REGEXP_REPLACE ? I like the named parameters notation and always use it to call self defined pieces of PL/SQL code, but the following doesn't seem to work :
select regexp_replace( string => 'TechOnTheNet'
, pattern => 'a|e|i|o|u'
, replacement_string => 'Z'
, start_position => 1
, nth_appearance => 2
, match_parameter => 'i') from dual;
Not for built in functions called from SQL; but you can from PL/SQL with assignment (and the right formal parameter names):
x varchar2(30);
x := regexp_replace( srcstr => 'TechOnTheNet'
, pattern => 'a|e|i|o|u'
, replacestr => 'Z'
, position => 1
, occurrence => 2
, modifier => 'i');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Even there you can't select the function result directly.
There is a workaround but it's a bit messy. The PL/SQL assignment is using the STANDARD package version of the function, so if you're using a function that is available from PL/SQL you could call that instead:
select sys.standard.regexp_replace( srcstr => 'TechOnTheNet'
, pattern => 'a|e|i|o|u'
, replacestr => 'Z'
, position => 1
, occurrence => 2
, modifier => 'i') from dual;
As well as being longer, it's possible you might see different performance between the two versions - I don't know if it's safe to assume they're ultimately implemented the same.
You can see the available functions with a simple query like:
select object_name, position, argument_name, in_out, data_type
from all_arguments
where owner = 'SYS' and package_name = 'STANDARD'
order by object_name, overload, position;
For regexp_replace
that shows the three versions of the function that are available for different argument data types. (An unnamed argument in position 0 is the function return type).