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rotate x axis labels in ios-charts

I know label rotation is not supported in ios-charts. Any issue asking for this is promptly closed however this is a very basic feature. I've seen people posts about how to do it in MPAndroidChart (which this is based on) but those solutions appear to be Android specific. Does anyone know of a way to get 45 or 90 degree labels rotations for a bar chart in iOS-charts?


  • First - let me emphasize that you are very wrong:

    1. MPAndroidChart existed for a long time without any issue about rotating x-axis labels, so there wasn't a need for anyone.
    2. In ios-Charts there was one issue about it, tagged as a feature request, and pending until yesterday (Oct 11). There was one other opened recently, marked as duplicate issue.

    I've implemented this feature in the latest master. Please pull from master until there's a version release.